Are you ready for Miss Virtual World?
Aug 19th, 2019 Kelly-Jane Turner 1943 Views
Miss Virtual World 2019 is the first international Instagram beauty contest.
South Africa is one of 19 countries which will ‘host’ national stages of the competition.
What makes this virtual beauty contest unique is that any woman over the age of 18 can apply.
The contestants can apply without restrictions on size, model parameters or marital status.
Using the hashtag #mvw_zaf on Instagram South African women can easily enter.
The main prize is a Porsche Сayman 718 and a trip to the “Miss Virtual World” Grand Final Ceremony in Cancun, Mexico.
Entries close on Friday 23rd August 2019 and the winner for the national title will be determined at the end of September.
The most beautiful girl in the world will be determined by voting in the ride-sharing app called inDriver.