Road closures as Gun Run gets underway in Cape town

Oct 8th, 2017 Video360 986 Views

CAPE TOWN:  About 20,000 people from across the country participated in the 25th anniversary OUTsurance KFM 94.5 Run on Sunday, with record fields and prize money promising a top quality event. The half marathon, 10km and 5km fun run had a large number of participants, marking alongside the Two Oceans Marathon, the Cape Town Marathon, the Cape Town One run 12km and the SPAR Women’s Challenge.The Newborns Trust entered the Gun Run to raise awareness for Premature babies. 

Eric Webster, 90, of Somerset West who had participated in 60 full marathons in the country, said it has been a great privilege for him to participate in this years’ run as it has been a while without jogging. Webster is one of the oldest people who finished the line. Video by ANA Pictures