Eid at a time of severe global hardship

Jun 5th, 2019 Tracy Adams 1162 Views

Today (like yesterday) almost 2.1 billion Muslims across the globe celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr – a third of that number are from the African continent.
Eid signifies the end of Ramadaan, the obligatory month-long fasting period where Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. The time is devoted to increased prayer, charity and the avoidance of all immoral activities.

The day of Eid starts early with huge prayer gatherings at open grounds and at mosques across the country. After the communal prayer, which ends with a sermon, families visit and embrace each other, signifying unity and brotherhood. Gifts are exchanged and there is a festive mood all round. Afterwards families sit down to a huge feast. South African families of Indian origin usually prepare breyani while hundreds of thousands of African Muslim immigrants and refugees in South Africa usually prepare a rice and meat dish.